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ZPT-BT The Bronto (Pre-Order)


We are constantly manufacturing these air scribes, but we already know that demand is exceptional for this model, as with our entire range. We therefore will operate a waitlist so that we can manage our workload effectively. We will keep waiting times as short as possible. 

  • Operates at very low air pressures (maximum 2.5 Bar/36 PSI)
  • Ultimate power in matrix removal
  • Lowest measured vibration of any comparable tool on the market, with more power!

  • Extremely robust

  • Range of interchangeable styli available

  • UK Made

  • Guaranteed safe checkout


Optimal Operating Pressure: 2.5 Bars (36 PSI)

Maximum Operating Pressure: 2.5 Bars (36 PSI)

Weight: 326g (11.5 oz)

Dimensions: 147mm length, 32mm maximum diameter (~5 3/4" long, 1 1/4" diameter)

Air Consumption: 40LPM (1.4CFM)

Noise: 73 dB(A)

Vibration (3mm Rounded Chisel, 2.5 Bars/36 PSI): 5.6m/s2

Connections: 2m polyurethane hose + Quick Connector

On/Off Mechanism: Festo Ball Valve

Blows Per Minute: 4,000

The ZPT-BT is the most powerful tool in the ZOIC PalaeoTech PRO Range, designed for bulk matrix removal with minimum effort and maximum speed. Get through the matrix faster so you can get onto the interesting bits of fossil prep!

With surprisingly low vibration levels, The Bronto can be used one or two handed to allow you to work quickly, efficiently and comfortably. The 5mm interchangeable tungsten carbide styli are robust, and best used in 'scooping motions' to remove rock with unrivalled speed. 

  • For mass matrix removal

  • Extremely powerful, dependable and robust

  • Range of interchangeable styli (including 5mm rounded chisel, straight chisel, pyrite chisel and point)
  • Nominal and maximum operating pressure of just 2.5 Bars (36 PSI)
  • Rubber coated for thermal insulation and vibratory dampening
  • One or two handed operation depending on user preference
  • Surprisingly low vibration levels

The forceful impacts on the piston and the low beats per minute provide an action that lends itself to creating microfractures and 'popping' matrix away from a fossil. The Bronto is particularly effective on 'sticky' rocks. 

The Bronto should be held confidently and positively, but not forced fowards. As always, let the tool do the work! It can be pushed straight ahead with only slight force or by using shallow, scooping motions (see the video!). If the tool is pushed too hard against the rock the stylus will have less room to oscillate, resulting in a loss of power, increased vibration and less matrix removal. We cannot stress enough to trust your tool and let it do the work. 

The Bronto is exclusively designed for matrix removal where there is a significant amount of overburden. If the rock is signficantly fractured, it is likely that the vibrations will break apart these fractures. We do not suggest using the Bronto if the nature of the rock poses risk to the fossil within. 

A whole range of interchangeable styli

The interchangeable stylii (pointed tip, chisels, etc.) come in a range of shapes to maximise what works best with your tool.  We find the rounded chisel to be the best 'all rounder' which will be suited to the majority of jobs. The pyrite chisel is excellent for cutting highly pyritic and brittle rocks. The point works efficiently on well cemented rocks (including some very hard sandstones, oolites or other clastic rocks). The straight chisel is best used on softer rocks as the edges can chip if used on harder rocks. 


We manufacture each tool right here in Dorset, and take enormous pride in our workmanship. Each tool is quality controlled before it leaves our workshop. Dependability, reliability, innovation and function are at the heart of what we do. We want for our tools to see you through whatever you may throw at them, and for you to enjoy using them. We want them to be quiet, comfortable and a real pleasure to use. Your satisfaction means everything to us, and if you are not satisfied, we want to know about it.

We design our tools to be low maintenance, requiring very little user input. If you look after your tools, they will look after you! When you buy from us, we want you to know that you will always have the best service we can give you. Being unique products, it is important that you know we will be on hand for many decades to come with a full supply of spares.

The pressure can be adjusted at the point where you plug in the tool using the pressure regulator supplied with the tool, circumventing the need to adjust it at the compressor itself. This means you can have all your tools plugged in and operating at their normal running pressure at the same time as running the Bronto at is maximum pressure of 2.5 Bars (36 PSI).

Customer and professional preparator feedback is excellent. "This tool saves me so much time!" is what we hear most frequently!

Packaged in a wooden presentation box. Box includes: 1x 5mm stylus as standard with tool, 4x spare stylus O-rings, pressure regulator, silicone o-ring grease, air tool oil, inline air filter, 2m polyurethane hose (hose upgrade is not available for this model), user manual, 1x protective scribe sleeve, 1 x spanner.

We often get asked how the tools run at such low pressures, and why can't you just run the Bronto at higher pressures like 'normal' air pens (6 Bar/90 PSI)? The Bronto is so powerful that it would enter self-destruct mode if run beyond 2.5 Bars (3.6 PSI) and the tungsten carbide stylus would break extremely quickly, and even short bursts will do irreperable damage to the internals. 

CE & UKCA Conformable

Once you have your Bronto, you'll want to know how to use and maintain it. Watch the short video from our YouTube channel below!

1 Review
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Steve Clawson
I manage a public lab full to the brim with calcareous sandstone concretions - literally harder and less brittle than concrete pavement. After eleven months of use (over 500 work hours of direct specimen contact) this tool has shaved hundreds of pounds of rock chip from these monster rocks, each containing the precious articulated bones of a tyrannosaur. I feel like it's taken a beating, but the continued superb performance would say otherwise. I tend to use the wide chisel tip, which I find tends to self sharpen on this sediment. The T-Rex is a must have for work approaching 2cm from the bone!